La Rete Asociale di Riccardo Venturi. Il blog sotterraneo di uno che sta in un sottosuolo con un gatto. "Da cose a caso sparse la struttura bellissima del cosmo." (Eraclito)
martedì 7 maggio 2019
It was the seventh of May, on the election day
Francesco (Franco) Serantini was born in Cagliari on Sardinia on 16th July 1951 and abandoned at birth. He was given both his names by an official of a literary bent or a priest or policeman who had seen in the paper recently mention of the Romagnol writer of the same name, an author of picturesque novels, one of which was I Bastardi.
He was adopted at the age of two by a childless couple. After the death of the adoptive mother he went to live with his maternal grandparents at Campobello di Licata. At the age of 9, he was transferred to an institution in Cagliari.
In 1968 he was sent to the Institute for the Observation of Minors and from there to the Pietro Thouar reformatory of Pisa which had an open regime, where he had to eat and sleep in the institution. He went on to attend a school of business accounting in Pisa. Student life opened him up to new and radical ideas and he began to take an interest in the youth organizations of the Communists and Socialists, before joining the leftist group Lotta Continua and finally arriving at anarchism and activity in the Giuseppe Pinelli anarchist group which had its centre in via San Martino in autumn 1971.
At that time in 1968, Pisa, with Trent and Turin, was one of the centres of student radicalism.
Franco was intensely active in the various political activities of the period, including the Red Market in the working class neighbourhood of Cep, where fruit and vegetables were sold at low prices to the poor, in various anti-fascist activities, and in the campaigns for the liberation of framed anarchist Pietro Valpreda.
On the 5 May 1972 he took part in the anti-fascist demonstration called by Lotta Continua against the meeting of Giuseppe Niccolai of the fascist party MSI. The demonstration was attacked by the police. Franco found himself surrounded by a group of mobile police of the 3rd and 4th platoons of the 3rd Company of the Ist Raggruppamento Celere di Roma and was severely beaten.
From there he was taken to the police barracks and then on to the Don Bosco prison. There he was interrogated and beaten again. The examining judge, the jailers and the prison doctors did not regard his injuries as serious.
After two days of agony he was found in a coma on 7th May and transferred to the prison clinic where he died at 9.45am.
The afternoon of the same day the prison authorities tried to obtain the quick burial of Franco. The court turned this down, whilst news of Franco’s death spread through Pisa. Luciano Della Mea, an anti-fascist militant, together with the lawyer Massei, asked for the body to be delivered up.
After the autopsy, the lawyer Giovanni Sorbi emerged and announced that he had been traumatised by what he saw. The chest, shoulders, arms and head of Franco were covered in blood, and not an inch of his body had been left untouched. Franco’s funeral on the 9th May saw a huge demonstration. The veteran anarchist Cafiero Ciuti gave a speech at the graveyard, followed by a Lotta Continua militant and a member of the Durruti anarchist group of Florence (Cinti was a retired railway worker, an Ardito del popolo in 1921, sacked by the fascists in 1924). The old anarchist song Sons of the Factories was sung at the graveside.
On 13th May a huge demonstration called by Lotta Continua took place. Gianni Landi spoke for the anarchists and Adriano Sofri for Lotta Continua. The demonstration finished at the last residence of Franco before his death and a plaque was put up there.
Demonstrations took place regularly in memory of Franco every year. In Turin a school was named after him, and in 1982 the San Silvestro square in Pisa was renamed Piazza Franco Serantini with a monument donated by the marble workers of Carrara.
All attempts to bring the police officers to justice ground to a halt in the courts. Despite this, the campaigning of the anarchist movement and Lotta Continua kept the murder of Serantini in the public eye. The Justice for Franco Serantini Committees, the ballad Ballata per Franco Serantini by Piero Nissim, and the book on Serantini’s life by Corrado Stajano made sure that Franco’s memory was not forgotten.
La ballata di Franco Serantini
Written by Piero Nissim
Rewritten in English by Riccardo Venturi, May 7, 2019.
It was the seventh of May, on the election day, The first results, as you see, are coming from the jails. There was a comrade who lay there dead And he was only twenty years old. There was a comrade who lay there dead And he was only twenty years old.
A meeting was scheduled with fascist Niccolai, Franco and his comrades resolv'd to bar him the way: “We have to stop him, happen what may, That filthy fascist mustn't speak today.” We have to stop him, happen what may, That filthy fascist mustn't speak today.”
Franco was caught by the cops on Gambarcorti quay, Those serfs of the State beat him until he lay. “And now, you fuckin' reds finally understand That you can die if you against us stand!” And now, you fuckin' red finally understand That you can die if you against us stand!”.
And later, left to the mercy of Zanca and Ballardo, Franco was beaten again by the cops and the wardens: “I already warn'd you six months ago”, Zanca says beating him without pity. “I already warn'd you six month ago”, Zanca says beating him without pity.
Franco lies alone in jail, now he feels he is dying When an attorney comes to the cell where he's lying. He then asks Franco: “What brought you there?” “The idea of freedom; that's why I'm dying here.” He then asks Franco: “What brought you there?” “The idea of freedom; that's why I'm dying here.”
They suddenly hurry up, you're dangerous even dead, An operation's launched to bury you with speed. “He's only an orphan, let's get rid of him, Nobody will come and reclaim his body.” ”He's only an orphan, let's get rid of him, Nobody will come and reclaim his body.”
But all your hopes crashed, all your tricks were in vain. The day Franco was buried, three thousand comrades say: “Here's our will, here's our promise That our struggle will never cease.” Here's our will, here's our promise That our struggle will never cease.”
It was the seventh of May, on the election day, The first results, as you see, are coming from the jails. There was a comrade who lay there dead And he was only twenty years old. There was a comrade who lay there dead, Dead for our freedom; his light will spread.
"Non ho potuto fare granché, a parte inculcargli qualche sano principio sulla pratica assidua dell'anarchia"." Armand Vandoosler "il Vecchio", per tramite di Fred Vargas.
"Quant'è vero che una discesa vista dal basso somiglia tanto a una salita." Dai "Pensieri di Pippo" .
"L'ottimista è colui che vede nella grandine una buona partenza per un mojito." Da un messaggio SMS del Pratile dell'anno CCXXIII.
"L'unica cosa più triste di un luna park vuoto sotto la pioggia è un luna park sotto la pioggia pieno di sbirri." Sandrone Dazieri.
"La vera pornografia è l'esercizio del potere."
Rocco Siffredi.
"Si resta affezionati alle proprie fantasticherie; diventano una parte di noi, sono nella memoria lunga. Ci son delle volte in cui, senza un motivo ed in un luogo qualsiasi, tornano alla mente. Ed allora si torna per un attimo ad aprire quella porta del faro di Palmaiola, chiusa da anni; si spolverano i mobili e le suppellettili, si verifica se le apparecchiature sono tutte in ordine, si aggiusta quella zampa di tavolino che cigolava e s'innaffiano i vasi di fiori che, chissà come, non appassiscono mai. Si dà un'ultima controllatina, si richiude la porta a tripla mandata e si torna alla legge di gravità. Ma tutto dev'essere pronto all'uso, sempre, in qualsiasi momento."
Risyart Vendtūr, enie syestā dănē săn gozăm mihkar, in tabāi mihkar ya săn brāmonāi mihkar; ya syestā dănē yasyi enhŭltig. Tāmā gozmăn, tāmā tabāin ya tāmā brāmonāin takveis mad, madne ya madsye udnŏmsyi pŏll. Ik rizkăv nyertenien va nyertăton.
Anvīssraz viyustāi mān perfīl pŏlen, kliki ap to perfīl in tŭlyan; emmeret nălebiez rhudăn in to, syestā gegrāb ik.
The Asocial
Riccardo Venturi, one who feels good with few people, in few places and with few things; and one who feels very good even alone. Anyway, he loves, used to love and maybe will even love so much all of these people, things and places. Here you find someone or something of them.
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Ο Aκοινωνικός
Ρικάρδος Βεντούρης, ένας που κάνει καλά με λίγο κόσμο, σε λίγους τόπους και με λίγα πράγματα, και που κάνει πολύ καλά μοναδικός επίσης. Εκείνον τον κόσμο, εκείνους τους τόπους κι εκείνα τα πράγματα, πάντως, τα αγαπάει, αγαπούσε κι ίσως θα αγαπάει πολύ. Εκεί βρίσκετε κανέναν ή κάτι τι.
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Asociali fissi
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